NOTE: Some readings are specific to RNs, RTs, or MDs. These will be specified.
Paediatric DKA
1. Algorithm- Acute Resuscitation
2. Algorithm- Ongoing Resuscitation
3. 3 Bag IV System
4. Ontario Health West 2 Bag IV System
Accidental Hypothermia
1. Academic Articles:
2. Brief Clinical Summary/General Approach:
3. Algorithm
Extra Readings:
Paediatric Drowning
1. Clinical Summary
2. One-Pager
3. Video- Real Drowning Patient
Pay attention to how the lifeguards continue BVMing through the surfactant/foam. This is proper technique. Do not suction foam from airway at the expense of delayed or interrupted BVM ventilation.
AMAX4 Anaphylaxis/Asthma/Bronchospasm
1. AMAX 4 Review
I would strongly suggest watching the FULL 60 minute video below:
However, if you do not have the available time, please see 2 alternative shorter videos below:
Max 4 Minutes
Treating Anaphylaxis
2. Example AMAX4 SIM
OB Trauma with Resuscitative Hysterotomy
1. MUST WATCH Simulation Cardiac Arrest in Pregnancy
2. 5 Minute Summary Resuscitation in Pregnancy
3. SOGC Trauma Guidelines
4. Perimortem C Section Summary:
5. Ranger Rapid Infuser:
Status Epilepticus
1. Dynamic Simulation Video
2. Clinical Summary/General Approach
Paediatric Head Trauma
1. TREKK Guidelines