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Carleton Place SIM- June 12th

Shawn Segeren


Massive Upper GI Bleed


1. Brief Clinical Summary/General Approach:

2. Blakemore Placement:

3. SALAD Intubation Technique & Bougie with Hyperangulated Blades:


STEMI with Refractory V Fib


1. Refractory V Fib & Dual Sequential Defibrillation

2. Cardiac Arrest Management Nuances

3. TPA/TNK During a Code


The Critically Ill Neonate- Neonatal Sepsis


1. Summary of General Approach to Management:

2. Pediatric Sepsis Recommendations  

3. Congenital Heart Disease Management Summary

4. Umbilical Line Placement


Organophosphate Poisoning


1.Journal Article:

2. Brief Clinical Summary:




1. General Approach

2. CPS Guideline

3. Grunting Video

Extra Resources (Not Necessary to Read Prior to Event):

Nasopharyngeal Suctioning


Polytrauma- Intracranial Hemorrhage & Awake Intubation


1. Intracranial Hemorrhage Management:

2. Awake Intubation Simplified Approach:

3. Awake Intubation Technique:

  • Note the above video is just ONE of many ways to perform this procedure. We will cover a slightly different approach during the SIM.

4. Additional Resources for Traumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage Management (FOR YOUR REFERENCE ONLY)

  • Brain Trauma Foundation Guidelines Summary

  • Neurocritical Care Cerebral Edema Guidelines




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